Payment Reminder Settings
Settings and Options for each Payment Reminder Type.
Standard Payment Reminder Types are:
- Daily Invoices
- Monthly Statements
- Week Before Account Due
- Day Before Account Due
- Week Before Stop Credit
- When Placed on Stop Credit
Save Email
Save the sales order confirmation email to a location for future reference.
If “Record History” is also selected then there is a link to the email on the history note on the debtor account.
Record on Customer and Contact History
Record a History Note in MYOB Exo on the debtor account and Contact.
If “Save Email” is selected then this history note will include a link to open the saved email.
Attach Statement
Attach a PDF of the Statement to the email?
Attach Invoices
Attach a PDF of the every applicable Invoice to the email?
Email Subject
Email subject for this Reminder email
(See below available variables that can be included)
Email Message
Email Message for this Reminder Email.
(See below available variables that can be included)
Minimum Outstanding Amount
Minimum amount outstanding before sending this Payment Reminder.
Invoice Form Name
Name if the Invoice clarity form to attach to the email (Only applicable if “Attach Invoice” is selected)
Statement Form Name
Name if the Statement clarity form to attach to the email (Only applicable if “Attach Statement” is selected)
Print when Statement set to Print
Should Statements and Invoices Print when the Debtor account is set to “Print” or “Both”?
Send Auto Is-Active
Should these be sent Automatically?
Send Auto Period
What Period should the Auto emails be sent on? (Either Day or Month)
Auto Day of Period
What day of the Period should auto emails be sent? (Only applicable if Period is “Month”
Some Examples are
- 1
- First day of the Month
- 15
- 15th of the Month
- -7
- 7 Days before the END of the Month
Send Weekdays Only
Only send out emails if it is a Weekday?
If you have auto emails set to go on the 15th of the month and this is a Saturday then the emails will be sent on the 17th (The next weekday)
Auto Days to Check
How many days back to check for successful sending of Emails? Default 5
Message Variables
The Below variables can be used in the Before and After messages and the email subject.
- Customer Account Name
- Morning or Afternoon (Depending on the time of day)
- Customer Account Balance
- List of Invoice Numbers
- List of Customer Order Numbers
- List of Invoices with matching Customer Order Numbers
- Your Company Name
- Exo Sales Order ID
- Bank Details for Payment