Sales Order Confirmation Settings
From Email Address
Email Address that all sales order confirmations are sent from.
Error Email Address
Email Address to receive all sales order confirmation errors.
Errors Include
- Missing Email Addresses
- Invalid Email Addresses
- Misc Errors
Sending Interval
Interval in Minutes to send sales order confirmations for any newly entered sales orders. (Default 15)
Save Email
Save the sales order confirmation email to a location for future reference.
If “Record History” is also selected then there is a link to the email on the history note on the debtor account.
Record History
Record a History Note in MYOB Exo on the debtor account.
If “Save Email” is selected then this history note will include a link to open the saved email.
Order Details on Email
Include the order details in the body of the Email.
Details can include
- Stock items ordered
- Quantity ordered
- Pricing
Order Items Priced
Include order totals on the confirmation email?
If order details are selected then pricing for each item will also be displayed.
Note this is can be overridden for individual customers.
Attach PDF
Attach a PDF of the sales order to the email?
Clarity Form Name
Name if the clarity form to attach to the email (Only applicable if “Attach PDF” is selected)